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2023. június 20., kedd

THANK YOU! Mainmast gallery 

Külön köszönet a galériának, hogy támogatják a megjelenésem a felületeiken

2020. december 28. Csiszer Zsuzsi _Hungary
The artist makes full use of the two techniques of representation or selection and illuminates two areas of art, real and unreal. Reality expression, painting, drawing, assemblage, and activities using three-dimensional and space are free-spirited, challenging, and pursuit of novelty. The very realistic expression of the face penetrates the inner side of the character, conveying the mysterious attractive feeling of monolog and giving it a sense of reality. On the other hand, the automatic technical and infinite graffiti-like drawings, collected photographic images, and work on three-dimensional and space are experimental and challenging creative acts that proceed according to the flow of consciousness. It is quite conceptual and makes you feel unrealistic. The small trace starting from her fingertips unfolds as an act of immersion like a spell and is largely completed as a final full stop of mind.
At that time, it transcends the physical constraints of time and space, showing an expanded concept of art that dominates reality and transforms into a grand discourse about existence. This is a concept consistent with the creation of a new poetic language by the unconscious synthesis of language.
In addition to the overwhelming aesthetic effect, these works are also seen as symbolic objects exposed in surrealism. They induce desire, irrational impulses, illusions, and ironic chain reactions from the viewer, providing a new aesthetic experience. It seems to see the unity of art and life, in which creation is life and life itself is creation, in her creative act, which is filled with lively and dynamic energy and romance of being one by jumping directly into her work.
♡Mainmast Art _Ethan. w. Kim

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